this page is still under construction. taking pictures of stuff i've made is hard, so this is super non-exhaustive documentation of some things i've made.
these figure drawings were done for a figure drawing class in 2016. they aren't my first or only figure drawings for this kind of class, but i can't find pictures of the others at the moment.
in october 2020, me and very talented artist Elliot Rex (@necropocene) both coincidentally posted basically the same joke within minutes of each other, about how instead of doing inktober, we were gonna do biblically accurate/cursed angel october. we both made a bunch of biblically accurate angels/similar creatures during the month of october. here are some of mine.
in 2017, i took a furniture design class. i built two chairs. these are photos of one of them.
these photos are of some of the pieces i made for an experimental fashion class in 2017. this wasn't my only fashion class, but the last three images in this collection are of some of my favorite pieces i made in any of the fashion classes i took. the last two photos, the portraits of me in the pink faux fur coat, were taken by very talented artist dkay.dac.
to be added to.
to be added.
to be added.
more to be added later. some of these are from games i've made.
drawings done in ms paint. some are for a game jam game i didn't finish, some are not.
on-going (but paused) collection of fat knights drawn in ms paint.
these are some covers recorded on my phone between 2018 and 2024. i'm deciding not to get too in my head about including them here. after spending a long time getting on my own case over mistakes made in covers, i now like posting ones that are incomplete, that i do just while messing around or practicing, where i forget lyrics or stop partway through to scroll down or mess up mid-line or fumble while strumming. this is especially important to me now given that my ability to sing has been impacted for a while by a stress-related illness i got in early 2020. there are multiple versions of some songs where i couldn't decide which i liked better or where for some other reason i just wanted multiple versions to be present. a number of the songs also cut off or skip lines, often because i forgot a particular line or it wasn't visible on my screen and i didn't think to pause to scroll down (as is the case for both versions of "survival") - or because i cut the audio off right before i coughed etc in the recording (as is the case for "gotta have you" and "first love late spring"). i know i am not good at the guitar. i have received so many unsolicited offers for lessons by so many men. at this point i'm basically bad partly out of spite i think.
just sort of a mix of other audio stuff i feel like sharing atm