sparkly gif of text reading 'this page is dedicated to fox mulder from the hit show the x files and fox mccloud, red fox &  protagonist of the starfox series'
an illustration of fox mccloud and fox mulder. mccloud's speech bubble says 'hello fox mulder from tv's the x-files' and mulder's says 'hello fox mccloud, red fox and main protagonist of the star fox series' an illustration of fox mccloud and fox mulder, blushing, with hearts and stars around them an illustration of fox mulder, sitting and thinking about fox mccloud with lots of hearts around his head. dana scully is standing nearby, talking. her speech bubble is obscured by mulder's thought bubble, but the visible part reads 'Mulder I'm sick of all your theories - don't - alien - Mulder - Are you - listen - me? He - Mulde - import - Listen -' an illustration of dana scully from the x-files and rose quartz from steven universe with hearts between them an illustration of fox mulder and fox mccloud, sitting on a couch, facing away from the viewer, watching the movie 'alien' on the tv

sparkly gif of text reading 'click here to access the hit software foxguy, made with flickguy'

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